
NGO calls for action on attacks on gays in ABC

The NGO Ação Brotar pela Cidadania e Diversidade Sexual called public authorities to take action in relation to the attack that occurred on 26/7, in front of Shopping ABC (Santo André), when a group of young people were beaten by bald men from ABC , family 13 and punks.

The complaint, with details of the crime and witness statements, was forwarded to the Reference Center for Combating Homophobia, Racial Crimes and Intolerance Offenses Station, Sexual Diversity Affairs Coordination (Cads) of São Paulo City Hall, Centro de Reference in Human Rights to Prevent and Combat Homophobia and the Communications Office of the Public Security Secretariat, to inform these authorities and so that the necessary measures can be taken.

According to Marcelo Gil, president of the NGO, the initiative aims to draw the attention of authorities so that this type of crime can be avoided. “This group, around 300 teenagers, with members of the LGBT community, meets every Saturday in front of the ABC shopping mall to talk. After this fact, it is necessary that the place is monitored by police, so that criminal acts like this do not occur again”, argues the activist.

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