
Bold! Gay student decides to lose his virginity and have sex with another man in an art gallery

Considered an “art performance”, 19-year-old student Clayton Pettet decided that he would lose his virginity and have sex for the first time with a man inside an art gallery in London.
The “event”, entitled “The Art School Stole My Virginity”, will be open to the public and is scheduled to take place on January 25th. 
“I have preserved my virginity for 19 years, and I will not lose it like this anyway. As culturally we value the idea of ​​virginity, I decided to use mine and create an act that stimulates interesting debates and questions around the subject”, declared Pettet.
"It will be aesthetically pleasing and not presented as a sex show or something dark and seedy. My partner and I will have paint on our bodies and when we have sex, on a piece of canvas stretched out on the floor, we will create an artistic piece of our performance." , continued the student. 

Announcement of the performance posted on the student's blog
After the relationship, with penetration and coitus, Pettet intends to question the audience about what they thought of the performance and discuss the stigma that exists around virginity.
There are those who think that the student is after the famous 15 minutes of fame. Others believe that the boy's initiative does have an artistic and critical function. And you, what do you think of Clayton Pettet’s idea? 

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