
Pabllo Vittar is attacked by Bolsonaro supporters on her social networks

Credits: Reproduction/Instagram

Last year, fake news was created around the figure of Pabllo Vittar. The image was from a tweet, where she said that if Bolsonaro won this year's elections, she would leave Brazil.

Check the image

Several websites have already proven that this tweet is false and even the Pabllo Vittar team confirmed that this was nothing more than a rumor. Even so, several pro-Bolsonaro people decided to attack the singer's profile in recent days. Several say they will help pay for her ticket, that she can leave now and some even make hate speeches.

“Come on, if you go now, it's too late lol”, “You're going to have to do what you said and get out of Brazil, since you support the PT, you should go eat rotten meat in Venezuela!”, “I'm crazy for Bolsonaro earn so you can leave the country. You are a disgrace to Brazil.” – These are some of the comments on the singer’s page.

If you want to check out more, visit her Instagram.


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