
Pabllo Vittar reveals that he exchanges nudes on Instagram and receives flirtations from straight men

Instagram has become the main dating app apparently (except for me who never got anything...depressing mode on).

In a recent interview with Felipe Neto's channel, Pabllo Vittar revealed that he uses the social network to hunt for boys and exchange nudes. How to know if she's into you: if you receive more than five likes from the drag queen, you can call her in direct, she said that herself.

"The most popular dating app in the world is Instagram. Instagram is a true dating app. You chat via direct, send nudes, do everything people! I love accounts that are profiles, where we can immediately see shirtless photos. If I like five photos of you shirtless, you can send me a direct message“, said the artist with a laugh.

Vittar also confessed that she receives a lot of flirting from heterosexual men and that this leaves her confused. “At the same time that we suffer a lot of prejudice from straight guys, we receive a lot of catcalls from straight guys. And it leaves me confused“, he vented. 

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