
Priest accused of hanging transvestite at altar

The 19pm mass last Sunday, July 27th, at the Igreja Matriz de São Gonçalo, in Rio de Janeiro, had an unusual episode. The transvestite beautician Mayara Fontes Figueira, 29 years old, was angered by the sermon against gays given by Father Ademar Pimenta.

When she went up to the altar to complain, Mayara said that the priest squeezed her neck tightly and even kicked her.

According to Mayara, the problem started because a gay movement event was being held on the street in front of the church. The priest then began to verbally attack homosexuals, using the beautician's story as an example during the sermon. "He attacked me and received an ovation. I had bruises on my legs from all the kicks I received," he says.

Father Ademar Pimenta declined to comment on the episode. Mayara filed a complaint and has already undergone a forensic examination. The Archdiocese reported that it is investigating the case, but assured that it already has statements from the faithful in favor of the religious.

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