
Facebook page gives tips for girls to find out if their boyfriend is gay

Have you seen it here on The Cape about that booklet that the Malaysian government created so that parents can identify possible gay "symptoms" in their children.

Here in Brazil, a Facebook page follows the same path but with a sense of humor. "Girl, your boyfriend is gay" was created on September 16th and so far has more than 2 thousand "likes" and 13 thousand fans.

"Who has never wanted to show a friend that her boyfriend likes guys? Show her that the signs are there and she just doesn't want to see it", says the text on the page on the social network.

The idea came from Luiz Fernando de Araujo, 22 years old, who is from the city of Rancharia, in the interior of São Paulo, but lives in Bauru. "When I saw a couple, and the man was flirting with a boy from my group of friends, even with his girlfriend by his side, I would jokingly say: 'girl, your boyfriend is gay'. But that's just among my people, it never stops. the girl. So I thought the joke would work on Facebook too", Luiz told the newspaper "O Globo".

Among the possible cues from boys that may indicate that they like other boys are if your boyfriend wears shorts with a folded hem, has watched all of Thalía's "Marias", is a fan of the couple Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, sings "Call Me Maybe" At the club, he doesn't drink beer to avoid belly fat, he watches the episodes he missed on the soap opera's website, and so on.

"Of course, one characteristic or another cannot define anyone's sexuality. But I know many gay men who have dated women and some who still do," he says to "O Globo".

Some people did not take the page in good humor and considered the joke prejudiced. Luiz defends himself. "It's a humor page and has no intention of offending or labeling anyone. So far, the majority of feedback has been positive from girlfriends, gays, and also from boyfriends who are amused when someone tags them in a post " he says.

Check out some images from "Girl, your boyfriend is gay" in the album.

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