
Pope Francis receives group of gay Catholics for the first time and announces them as “lay people”

After receiving a persecuted transgender man in his parish, Pope Francisco showed that he wanted to maintain dialogue with the gay community this Wednesday (18). He opened the doors to a group fighting for the rights of gay Catholics in the USA.

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Discreetly, the more than 50 members were announced simply as "a group of lay people accompanied by a sister", Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of the Novos Rumos Ministry.

The group fights for gay rights in the church and has unsuccessfully attempted visits to other popes, such as John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Even without Francisco declaring that this is a pro-LGBT group, the visit was seen as a sign of change.

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One of the bishops and the monsignor Georg Gaenwein supported the request and welcomed the group in the front row, as well as the other Catholic groups. During the ceremony, the song "All are welcome" was sung, considered an anthem for all people to be welcome.

Despite the pope's visit and statements, there is no change – not even after last year's synod – planned in the church regarding the rights and acceptance of homosexuals in religion.

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