
For the website's columnist, family Christmas at your boyfriend's house could be more problematic than we think

You had been putting it off, your boyfriend had been insisting and this December you couldn't hold back any longer. Once upon a time, during the end-of-year festivities, together with his family... Yes, you were promoted – or worse, promoted yourself – to the character, in his fairy tale. It will be difficult to come out of this well, with a minimum of deaths and injuries. In any case, end-of-year parties are considered potentially fraught with MICO (Manipulation, Intrigue, Upset and Oppression). The MICO index curve is reinforced by the progression of the PARENT factors. (Absurdly Relevant Stress Disorder in the Special Treatments Center) and GOSSIP (Obsessive Thrive to Fantasize on Such Occasions). The more diversity and presence of these generating vectors, the greater the MICO Christmas is MICO total, in its maximum degree, equated only to Mother's Day. These are dates where certain loved ones hope to be honored as Maharajas of India, preferably with their weight in gold and 3250% of the attention available. Among them, there is one, in particular, the one that you have to work hard to conquer, if you want anything close to peaceful coexistence. It is the MAE variable (Antagonist Manipulator of Strangers), even worse if treated in its MAMAE version (Maximum and Aggressive Manipulator Antagonist of Strangers). In other words, get ready, you’re screwed – really. Because everything you do will never be enough. Only if he has a lower social, financial and/or intellectual position than yours. Then it's okay, they will support you and support you, because they understand that what he is doing is a blow. But then, their treatment category, within them, becomes that of OTARIO (Tactical Shoulder Thrown to Share the Burden Individually – whatever it may be, on all occasions). In this case, the SIFU factor (Unilateral Family Influence Syndrome), originated in the PARENT environment. is highly relevant, pushing up the GOSSIP situation Whatever boat you are in, it is important that you are imbued with the forces of good, with the most powerful positive energies, in order to achieve a NIR VANA result. (Nothing Important or Relevant Will Happen At That Assembly). There are several resources for this objective: an energetic series of passes at your nearest spiritist center, flush baths and lots of smoking to ward off the eguns, novenas to Saint Judas Tadeu (patron saint of impossible causes, promise that you will climb the stairs of the church on your knees, it's shooting and falling...) patuás, saints, buddhas, rabbit's feet, coarse salt and why not a slaughter of animals at a crossroads, with lots of yellow farofa, for the EXUs (Unified Xenofaba Entities) of PARENTE.s? When the time comes, wear a whole sprig of rue behind your ear (take it well, they'll think you're an environmentalist... and you still want to be remembered for that). And why not have about 10 horseshoes in your pocket (not recommended if you have back problems)? Finally, as the great master of hipsters, Prof. Marcelino, that author of his MAE's time etiquette books (in YOUR case, the Special Beloved Matricarch, in a clear inversion of values), follow the rule of the 4 Ss: Arise, Greet, Smile and Disappear. Reduced contact with the KIND factor. automatically decreases the GOSSIP vector. They then stop feeding MICO in a relevant way. Show up, introduce yourself with the biggest smile in the world, give YOUR gifts, ignore the gossip around you, reap the laurels of your friendliness and get out. As soon as possible, don't even stay to see what they bought you. It will probably be saturated with MICO Play on the track of your choice – or the one you find open and working – and invest in your chances of achieving SUCCESS (Unique Feeling in the Specific Casualty of Overcoming Feeling Orgasm). That's right, enjoy it a lot and enjoy the moment.

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