
Play “Red Shoes”, about early childhood education, premieres in São Paulo

The play "Os Patinhos Vermelhos" premieres on the 22nd at the Municipal Theater of Santo André, a city in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, which will address the theme of early childhood education.

Based on the fable of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen, the play will discuss the education of children from a young age, addressing subjects considered taboo and "which impose limits/differences between boys and girls".

"In our montage we used the fable to emphasize that the main character is about social pressures and punishments for choosing to have a life around feminine symbols, such as having a red children's shoe [an object considered feminine]".

The unique performance will take place at 16pm on July 22nd. 

Children's show: THE RED SHOES

Location: Santo André Municipal Theater

Praça IV Centenário, 04 – Centro, Santo André  
Date: July 22 of 2018
Time: 16h
Tickets: 30 reais full price [15 reais half price]
Discounted advance tickets at the theater box office.
More information: 11 954764292 / 1122145609 / 11 44330789

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