

These days I have come to a new conclusion about people. I heard it said and it took me a while to believe that people's greatest qualities are also their greatest flaws.

I analyzed four of the closest characters, one of them is me, if you know me or those close to me, you'll probably know who I'm talking about and that's confirmation that I'm right.

In these four characters, both quality and defect are generally balanced, one is accentuated at a certain period, but overall they are well-centered people.

QUALITY: This one has an excess of attitude, it's the type that while they are complaining about the problem, he has already left to solve it. He is naturally the boss and he is the one who always has the solution for everything.
DEFECT: Excessive attitude goes beyond, gets lost, ends up being inconsequential. He doesn't think much and does whatever he wants. Everything happens too much, what would happen in 2 years to someone, happens to him in 1 month.

QUALITY: Has a legion of "friends" (in quotation marks), ease of getting contact, networking and work. It circulates in different areas and is recognized and loved.
DEFECT: Freeloaders are always sucking up to others, they are always left behind, they are blamed for the attitude of others, and in a select group they are not accepted because they are considered popular.

QUALITY: Extremely objective, focused and determined. Can reach a high level of concentration and is successful at work.
DEFECT: Introverted, closed, insecure, jealous, afraid of new things and changes. Difficulty relating, communicating, being understood and making new friends.

QUALITY: Security, confidence in one's own bat, excess of faith, success at work and in personal relationships.
WEAKNESS: Arrogant when stubborn, sometimes confidence can be a mistake. Those close to you may feel that a lack of jealousy is a lack of interest.

Ticket sales for The Gossip show in Brazil start tomorrow

BBB10: Angélica survives the wall