
Research that mapped homophobia in Brazil will become a book

The study carried out by the Perseu Abramo Foundation and coordinated by the professor at the University of São Paulo, Gustavo Venturi, carried out since 2009, on homophobia in Brazil, will become a book. The publication will be launched in June.

Among the main data revealed is the information that education is one of the factors that most influence the population's level of prejudice towards homosexuals. According to research, the more years of study, the greater the individual's acceptance of gays. Among those who have never attended school, the homophobic rate is 52%. Those who completed higher education are only 10%.

"This effect is not because the subject (homosexuality) is in pedagogical programs. If it were, the effect would be greater. But the simple fact of coexistence with diversity in schools means that this is reflected in lower rates", explains Gustavo Venturi. 2 thousand people from 150 municipalities were interviewed.

Another important fact that the research indicated is that one in four Brazilians is homophobic. Those who have discriminatory attitudes because of the prejudice they feel were considered homophobic. Among the answers given by this group are that "homosexuals are almost always promiscuous", "homosexuality is naughty" or "homosexuality is a disease that needs to be treated".

The study also reveals that women are less homophobic than men. Around 20% of the female population is homophobic, compared to 30% of the male population. The income of the interviewees is not very relevant. What matters most is education.

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