
Brazilian researchers say they have 'cured' HIV-positive patient with new drug cocktail

Researchers from Unifesp (Federal University of São Paulo) revealed this Tuesday (7), at a conference on AIDS/HIV in San Francisco, in the United States, what could be the first case of virus cure.

The study shows the remission of a 34-year-old patient diagnosed in 2012, without a viral load after being treated with a new cocktail.

Reinforced antiretroviral therapy contains a medicine called nicotinamide, a form of vitamin B3, and also contains other substances.

According to the program's website Welfare (TV Globo), treatment was stopped when he completed 48 weeks (13 months). And, after another 57 weeks (11 months) without being treated with the cocktail, the HIV DNA in the patient's cells remained negative – as well as the antibody test.

Andrea Savarino, a doctor at the Italian Institute of Health who co-led the test, warned in an interview with NAM Aidsmap that four other HIV-positive patients did not show the same positive effects after being treated with the same cocktail.

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