
“They can kill” – Young trans woman is dismembered in Russia after her father’s request

A young trans Muslim woman was killed by dismemberment in Russia days after she married a man and saw her father go on a TV station to ask: "Bring my son here and kill him in front of me."

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Adam Aliev, 25 years old, became Raina after sex change surgery in Moscow a month ago. A few days later she married a boy, also of Muslim origin, identified only as Victor.
The crime occurred after the young woman's father, Alimshaikh Aliev, discovered Raina's plans. Then, in an interview with a local broadcaster, he appealed:

"They can kill him, I don't want to see him."

Raina came from Dagestan, a region of strong Islamic descent located between the Caspian Sea and Chechnya, in Russia. According to information from the Russian TV channel "REN TV", Raina was already discriminated against due to her sexual orientation, which was worsened after her decision to undergo sex change surgery.
Talking to some neighbors of Raina's family, in Dagestan, the broadcaster reported that the young woman's father had suffered a stroke when he found out about his daughter's surgery, which took place in Moscow.

"He cheated on him. He went to Moscow, had surgery and turned from a boy into a girl," said a neighbor. Moscow police are investigating the case and have not yet identified any suspects for the crime.


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