
Public authorities once again prohibit homosexuals from donating blood

The Tupiniquim public authorities showed yet another display of homophobia. The Federal Regional Court accepted an appeal presented by Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) and once again banned blood donation by gays. According to Anvisa's resolution, people who have homosexual relationships have risky behavior and cannot be blood donors. The coordinator of GADA (AIDS Support Group) intends to take action against the agency. “It is an unnecessary embarrassment and act of discrimination. Nowadays there is no longer a risk group”, says Fábio Takahashi. Failures in donor screening and recent research into the number of people infected with HIV and other STDs make the court's decision, at the very least, harmless. It is no surprise that the stock of the main blood centers in the Terra Brasilis are always in the red. In the end, those who suffer are always those who need it most.

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