
Manifesto poem brings men's nudity on stage as resistance to homophobia

In the face of various homophobic violence and murders, the group Inacaba Cia promotes the project "Boys Also Love - a scenic poem/manifesto", on the 13th, 14th, 20th and 21st of December, at SP Escola de Teatro, in São Paulo .

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The performance integrates visual arts, dance and theater and seeks to promote reflections with the public about LGBTphobic violence and the relationships of people who relate to and love others of the same sex.

Homoerotic art and affection between equals are presented as an invitation to resist homophobia. And the naked male body appears as a support and scenic manifesto – a body that is the target of retaliation in such violence.

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"Boys Also Love" came from a poem by Rafael Guerche (read the poem below) and also features photo shoots of homosexual or straight people who support homophobia.

"In this short season, the company intends to share with the public this manifesto against any and all types of homophobic hatred. We want to talk about love between boys and how absolutely natural and fair this is", declares Rafael.

Service: Boys love too – a scenic poem/manifesto

When: December 13th, 14th, 20th and 21st – Saturdays at 20:30 pm and Sundays at 19:30 pm
Where: SP Theater School – 8th floor – Praça Roosevelt headquarters
Entry: pay what you can


Boys love it too
are also sensitive
They are also virile, even if colorful
how happy
and kind

Boys also dance
paint themselves
if you wish
and sing
and make poems
and tear up love letters
and crush packs of cigarettes
and blow smoke
and they go up in the jump and come down from the jump
and get tattoos so as not to forget
and break wine glasses
and make a scene
and scribble on the walls

Boys also scream
and take to the streets
and paint the walls
and break your nails
and tear skirts
some boys devour Allen Guinsberg
others eat Oscar Wilde
I fuck Arthur Rimbaud

Boys are not what soap operas would have us believe
they say I love you
that ended
that only some things last forever
feel afraid
make a fuss
and apply lipstick
and paint their eyes
perfume themselves

Boys are annoying
because they do what men hide in public bathrooms
and eroticize
and “disallow”

Call the boys whatever you want
Just don't say they need not exist
Don't invent cures
Don't hit the boys 
Don't knock out your teeth 
Do not insert any wooden or iron object into your anus.
And don't cowardly kill them in the streets of city centers

Don't make boys an extra number in the news and on social media
Because these excessive measures do not alleviate the repressions

Let the boys be happy
Color the gray streets
Make love
Don't censor the boys
They just want to love
Don't arrest the boys
For this crime
They don't kill, they don't beat
They don't infect, they don't dirty the cities.
The boys love
and that's enough!

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