
WE NEED TO talk about ANAJACULATION, a problem that affects thousands of men

One of the main concerns of men is premature ejaculation, a reason for “shame” for heterosexuals and active gay men, after all, this small problem, which has a solution, can hinder the partner's pleasure in the sexual act. The subject is widely talked about, however, another topic that is little known, but which affects many men around the world, is anejaculation, or a man's difficulty in ejaculating during sex. In simple terms, a man who suffers from anejaculation has difficulty enjoying sex, which does not mean, for example, that he does not feel pleasure. However, ejaculation is considered the culmination of sex. When everyone cums, it's a sign that it was good for both, otherwise, there's that feeling that the result didn't turn out as expected. There are several causes for this problem, but it is generally caused by emotional factors, stress, insecurity and anxiety. Also according to experts, hormonal changes, medications and drug use, as well as nerve damage after pelvic surgery can cause anejaculation. Urologists recommend that, upon noticing the dysfunction, men should seek medical help in order to discover the cause of the problem and the best solution. If the “disturbance” is caused by emotional factors, for example, therapies may be recommended to reverse the condition. With information from the SuperPride website

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