
SP City Hall bans famous gay club on Rua Frei Caneca

São Paulo nightlife has lost one of its oldest clubs. By order of the city of São Paulo, the A Lôca club had its doors, literally, bricked up. The club, aimed at the GLS public, is located on the corner of Rua Frei Caneca and Peixoto Gomide, one of the most frequented spots by residents of the capital at the end of the week. In a video released on Twitter, the regional deputy mayor of Sé, Eduardo Odloak said that the place “ignores the minimum principles of civility” and highlighted that the club has already been fined for irregularities.

Space manager Sylvio Salvitti said, in an interview with Veja São Paulo, that the legal sector is monitoring the case with the competent bodies to regularize the situation and reopen the house as soon as possible.

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