
Apple President Tim Cook comes out of the closet and says being gay is a gift from God

The business world dawned in an uproar this Thursday (30). All because Tim Cook – none other than the CEO of Apple – admitted what everyone already knew: he is gay.

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In an article published by Bloomberg magazine, Steve Jobs' successor stated that he tried to maintain privacy throughout his career, but that being gay is a source of pride.

"Apple is already one of the most closely watched companies in the world, and I would like to keep the focus on our products and the incredible things our consumers want from them," the article began, before talking openly about sexuality.

According to Tim, a person cannot be defined solely by their sexuality, race or gender and that he is "lucky" to be accepted by the company. "Being gay has given me a deeper understanding of what it means to be a minority and opens a window into the challenges that people from other minorities have to face every day," he said.

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The CEO stated that he "is proud to be gay" and that this is one of "the greatest gifts that God" gave him. And he stressed that he only decided to talk about sexuality because he was aware that he could help other people. 

"I don't consider myself an activist, but I realize how much I've benefited from the sacrifices of others. So if hearing that Apple's CEO is gay might help someone fight, or bring some comfort to someone who feels alone, or inspire people to stick it out for equality, then it's worth trading that for my privacy."

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