
Profissão Reporter shows the training of transvestites and transsexuals for the job market

This Tuesday (08), the program "Profissão Repórter", on TV Globo, talks about the universe of prostitution in three Brazilian capitals. In Rio de Janeiro, the attraction showcases the Damas Project initiative, which trains transvestites and transsexuals for the job market.

Reporter Thais Itaqui shows details of the project, which seeks social and professional reintegration by encouraging education and employability. Transvestite Melissa is one of the interviewees and tells her story of looking for a job opportunity.

In São Paulo, Eliane Scardovelli addresses cases of older women, who, due to heartbreak or financial difficulties, returned to prostitution and work in the Estação da Luz region.

In Belo Horizonte, video reporter Valéria Almeida meets Aprosmig (Association of Prostitutes of Minas Gerais), which seeks to legalize the profession and has 2 thousand registered women.

"Profissão Repórter'" airs right after the series "Pé na Cova", on Globo.

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