
Promoting inclusion, Castro Burger is hiring LGBT employees in SP

The number of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and, especially, transgender people who are passed over for job interviews because of their sexual orientation or gender identity is high. Fortunately, companies are slowly becoming more accepting of diversity.

In São Paulo, Castro Burger, which has promoted inclusion in its workforce since its inception, opened applications for LGBT people looking for work. The snack bar is located in the Liberdade neighborhood, central region of the capital of São Paulo, and released the advertisement below:

“Our proposal is, in addition to offering incredible snacks, including many vegan ones, salads, ciabattas, desserts, shakes and drinks with excellent service, to spread the idea of ​​equality among all those who visit our home. Here, everyone will feel welcomed and respected for who they are and how they are. Regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, weight, creed or disabilities. Therefore, when hiring our employees, we welcome applications from those who are part of the LGBTQ community. If you are interested in being part of our team, simply fill in the details below and we will contact you as soon as necessary.”

Good Luck!

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