
What reasons make you proud to be LGBT? LGBT community responds!

Today, June 28th, the day is celebrated international LGBT pride!

For those who don't know, it was in the USA that data originated. The cause is celebrated worldwide on June 28th, after an episode of resistance in New York, in 1969. bar Stonewall Inn, gay spot in the city, the regulars turned against the frequent police raids to which they were subjected.

The following year, the first gay parade in the world was organized to remember the act.

The site ACAPA asked some people from the LGBT population to answer in a few words what reasons make them proud to be LGBT.

Check out the answers:

"I'm proud to be gay because being gay I had to accept myself as I am, I learned to love myself in my own way. And I saw that there was no problem with that." – Felipe Cabral – screenwriter for Totalmente Demais and author of several gay shorts such as "Aceito".

"I've been very proud of being gay since I was little. I feel good, happy being who I am and my mom lets me!" – Douglas Drummond – Owner of ChiIIi Pepper Single Hotel, the largest gay sauna in Latin America.

"Every day Stonewall reminds us that desire is political and its affirmation takes place in everyday life. As a gay man, I realize that activism for human rights and visibility also brings the adoration of being who one is: existing without asking for permission" – Rodrigo Geraci – Author of the book "Cinema Explicito".

"I'm proud of my character, I didn't choose to be born gay, I was just lucky!!!" Rafael Amorim – Rio de Janeiro – RJ.

"I'm proud to be trans because despite the difficulties, mockery, punches, stones, defamation, prejudice, it made me a stronger person, and I saw that deep down whoever speaks most wanted to have my courage or be with me, we trans people are all heroines apart From the moment we leave our homes we do activism" – Viviane Beleboni – Trans Model who became famous with her protest on the cross during the São Paulo LGBT Parade.

"Drag Queen for Tchaka creativity, a thinking head, being able to live and think outside of the box, is having joy in your soul and above all transgressive freedom to make the world more colorful and even fun" – Valder Bastos – Drag queen,

"For a long time in my life I questioned myself about being gay. And this whole process of self-knowledge and acceptance is what transformed doubt into pride. Even more so knowing that the main achievements of my life are directly linked to my coming out of the closet." – André Pomba – DJ and LGBT activist from São Paulo.

"The best word for today is really PRIDE. I'm very proud of being a better person. Of being responsible, kind, loved and, above all, being much more of a man than most heterosexuals I see out there. Pride of power being who I am without fear or guilt. Proud to have the love, support, respect and admiration of the people I love most. PRIDE is what defines me" – Felipe Braga – Belo Horizonte MG.

"I'm proud to be gay, queer, sissy, effeminate, from the outskirts. I'm proud to be everything because I know that I'm open to understanding myself and not being afraid to become a better person for myself and for those who are by my side, and knowing that my fight and my weapon is love” – Nelson Neto – Communications advisor at the Coordination of LGBT Policies (CPLGBT) of the Municipal Secretariat for Human Rights and Citizenship of the City of São Paulo (SMDHC).

"I'm proud to be trans, because trans is synonymous with freedom and struggle. Transforming the world we live in into a freer and more harmonious place." – Transsexual Hanna Neri from Araraquara SP;

"Because I can fight for causes that wouldn't give me as much voice if I were dismantled." – Delayla Jolie – Drag Queen

"My greatest pride in being able to express and be who I really am, in fact, has nothing to do with my courage to accept all my feelings and senses, but rather in the support I found since I was little, in the stronger bonds in which my family welcomed me today, making me understand the true meaning of pride. And I am proud, for myself, for us, for all the families that, like mine, want a world with more EQUALITY, with more TOLERANCE, with more RESPECT and always with more LOVE" – Douglas Luckmann – São José dos Campos/SP
"I'm proud to be in drag because I can break barriers and prejudices. I can show my art and express myself through it. I'm proud to be in drag because that's how I'm happy."- Gina Yamamoto – Drag Queen
"I'm proud to be gay, to know reciprocal love in another man, for some conservatives "Abominable", lol, naive, they barely know what love is. Be proud to be who you are, to be happy sex, the that represents us is a rainbow, a unicorn, our color is all colors... We are the flag of pride, recognition and culture worldwide. We are the red of "life", the orange of "power", the. yellow from "light", green from "nature", blue from "art" and purple from "spirit". 
So my friends, let us be proud, be proud, be proud, "PRIDE". Pleasure, I'm Guilherme Macêdo, I'm gay, and I was born at 15 years old" – Cícero Dantas (BA)
"Proud to be the best son, best employee, best friend, best co-worker, study more than everyone and still be judged, cursed and discriminated against daily just for being who I am. Of having rights denied and yet continuing to fight, of not being able to love because there are people who call you a freak and want to kill you for it. Pride in still not losing joy, fighting and imagining a colorful world, where LOVE comes first" – Edmar Jr – São Paulo/SP

And you, what is your reason that makes you proud to be LGBT?

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