
They want to kill Britney

Poor Britney. And I thought that after the release of “Blackout”, her new album, the diva-who-is-no-longer-a-diva would return with everything to showbiss. The album is selling well in the United States, but news invariably emerges that may prove the singer's eternal dissatisfaction with the world.

Yesterday, a friend of the blonde said that she had written a goodbye letter because she was seriously thinking about committing suicide. Have you ever imagined the headlines? Today, the Associated Press (AP) practically anticipated Britney's death.

“We're not wishing for this, but if Britney died, it's easily one of the biggest stories of all time,” said AP editor Jesse Washington. “It must be agreed that Britney is at risk right now,” he added. “Of course, we would never wish any kind of misfortune on anyone, but if something happens, we need to be prepared.”

The Britney Spears phenomenon is very curious. She emerged as a huge star, selling more than 31 million records worldwide. She released two good albums and one so-so (I confess, I didn't care about the latter) and became the darling of American pop music. What Britney didn't expect (or they forgot to tell her) is that the personal universe greatly influences the professional universe. Drugs, nights out at clubs, panties here, romantic breakups there, legal defeats there count a lot when it comes to defining a successful star. The “little pop princess” became a pumpkin.

If the singer really was thinking about killing herself, perhaps it is because, in some way, she is misunderstood. Misunderstood for not doing what she really wants to do, misunderstood because she needs to be – without wanting to be – the perfect, talented, friendly, “family” and intelligent girl that the music industry wants her to be. Britney is not taking the heat and, unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised if she opened the newspaper and saw a photo of the singer printed under the following headline: “Britney Spears Dies”. It's hard to believe and accept, but Britney is yet another fleeting product of a sick society.

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