

I just came back from the hospital and was reborn with the biopsy results in hand, saying that I have nothing malignant!

I experienced the importance of donating blood (I had to have a transfusion), of giving way to ambulances in traffic (I was in one), of being kind as a doctor or nurse (they were all super attentive this time), of being a mother and father loving (mine are blessed), of being a true companion (my wife holds every bar that only by God, you see…).

Today I can say that I really started to live. It was necessary to be shocked, to face Mrs. Death and smile at her, with a certain shiver down my spine, to decide to wake up and live every second with fullness and gratitude.

Want to know what I have? I have love, gratitude, life!

The rest is just a way that God found to remind me that I don't have all the time in the world, in this plan, to do what I have to do... and be happy. The name of my scare? Uterine myoma. Okay... fibroids don't kill anyone, but their consequences can be terrible, depending on the case. In mine, it caused a hemorrhage that I had never seen, not even in horror films...

Every second of life is too important to be wasted on bad thoughts, pettiness and the like... Let's stop thinking small and start taking more care of our own lives.

Thank you for everything, Vida!

Fight against smoking: essay gives reasons to smoke and not to smoke

Anthropological Experience