
There are 4 LGBT parades left in Brazil until the end of the year; Find out where!

The stop Copacabana What happened this weekend is now gone and I'm already missing it.

+Copacabana Parade reaches its 20th edition and will have the Marcha das Mulheres Negras as an ally

Did you know that there is a website that provides all the dates of Brazil stops in an online calendar?

By the end of the year we will still have 4 LGBT parades to fight for our rights and, of course, enjoy the party. 

They are:
29/11/15 – In Castro Alves BA (XNUMXst Diversity March against LGBT phobia in Castro Alves)
29/11/15 – In Nova Serrana MG (2nd LGBT Pride Parade)
06/12/15 – Ipatinga MG (8th LGBT Pride Parade)
06/12/15 – Divinópolis MG (12th LGBT Pride Parade)
As we can see, Minas Gerais It is the best destination for you who want to show the strength of our representation on the streets.
Has your city's Parade already been and you missed it? No problem, go to the website and stay tuned so you don't miss next year's Parades!
Go to: GBTS Guide

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