
Spanish gay magazine includes Lula on list of pro-gay leaders

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, a well-known pro-gay politician, are among the government officials named by Zero magazine, one of the largest gay publications in Spain, as defenders of the GLS cause.

The article states that “a country like Brazil, where every year a hundred homosexuals die by murder, demonstrates that it is possible to leave homophobia in the past when its rulers join together for equality”.

In Latin America, Chilean president Michelle Bachelet and Cristina Kirchner, Argentine president, are also part of the select list.

For the Spanish publication, President Lula, through the program Brazil without homophobia, has presented consistent public policies to eradicate discrimination.

“President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva personally convened the First National GLBT Conference for next May. The Lula government, in addition, is promoting the 'Brazil without Homophobia' program, which aims to promote respect for all sexual orientations", highlighted the article.

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