
“Time” magazine covers gay marriage with kiss between two men

While the United States Supreme Court rules on the future of gay marriage in the country, the North American magazine "Time" dedicated the cover of its latest edition to the topic.

The publication made two covers, one with a kiss between two men and the other with a kiss between two women. In the headline the phrase "Gay Marriage has already won".

"Whatever the Supreme Court decides, it seems clear that most Americans feel that marriage is a civil right and that denying people that right because of their sexual orientation is a violation under the law," says Rick Stengel, Time editor.

"We had a long debate in our office about this week's cover images featuring two people of the same sex. Some thought it was sensationalist. Others thought the images were beautiful, symbolizing the love that is at the heart of the idea of ​​marriage. I agree with the last opinion and I hope you do too", wrote the editor.

The debates surrounding same-sex marriage in the USA, which began this week, are expected to last around three months.

Happy is the country that has a "Time" and not a " Veja " as its main weekly magazine.

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