
RJ: LGBT blood donation campaign receives twice as many donors

Blood Donation
photo: reproduction

The Pedro Ernesto University Hospital, in Rio, received twice as many LGBT people as expected to donate blood in an unprecedented campaign promoted by SEDSODH (State Secretariat for Social Development and Human Rights). The information is from the newspaper The Globe.

On the first day of the campaign, last Monday (29), twenty people were expected to donate blood to the hospital bank. However, 38 donors showed up by 15pm.

“May we take advantage of this and assert our right to donate. Especially during this period of the Covid-19 pandemic, when blood supplies are very low”, said Ernane Alexandre, from Rio sem Homofobia and superintendent of LGBTQ+ Policies, to the newspaper.

The campaign ends this Friday (3). check out here details such as addresses, scheduling information and health conditions under which donations can be made.

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