
Rock in Rio is marked by sex between men and baths with up to 3 men in one cabin; look

The first week of the biggest music festival in the world gave rise to talk the day before with the cancellation of the participation of Lady Gaga that would end the first night of the Rock in Rio. With that, the Maroon 5 performed twice.

However, between one show break and another in Cidade do Rock, another highly sought after location was the bathrooms, but not for physiological purposes. According to information from columnist Leo Dias, there was no shortage of sex – the famous bathroom – in the men's bathroom, with "up to three people leaving a single cabin", says Leo.

The venue's audience is on average 100 thousand people.

Federal Court sets precedent for psychologists to carry out 'gay cure'

Internet users create a petition repudiating the decision that legalizes 'gay cure'; sign it