
Find out what Léo Áquilla’s proposals are for the LGBT community

The series of articles with LGBT candidates continues. And the journalist and artist Leo Aquilla is the fifth candidate to present their proposals to the readers of THE CAPE.

Affiliated with the PSL – Social Liberal Party – Léo is running for the position of federal deputy in São Paulo with number 1789.

The candidate has a degree in journalism, a postgraduate degree in political journalism and claims that she has the title of "greatest performance artist in Brazil". For the last eight years, she has made irreverent and intelligent appearances on TV shows.

Regarding political life, Léo guarantees that she is prepared to represent the citizens of the state of São Paulo. She claims to have acceptance in traditional segments of society and that her campaign target audience is made up of women, homosexuals, black people and families.

Check out the proposals:

– Inclusion of the subject "emotional intelligence" in primary school education. It will be included in early childhood education, pre-primary through the fourth grade of elementary school for the entire state of São Paulo. The subject focuses on preparing students to become exemplary citizens, teaching happiness, love for others, respect for diversity, self-help, etc. The objective is to reduce the crime rate and form tolerant, cultured and educated citizens.

– Creation of a police station specialized in crimes against minorities. That combats discriminatory acts due to racism, religious intolerance, sexuality and other manifestations of prejudice. The idea is based on the fact that many people attacked do not file complaints because they do not have or even do not know which agency to look for and, when they look for a police station, they suffer more prejudice because they do not have trained professionals. The state must also provide free telephone support to receive complaints and provide the necessary support for those receiving assistance.

– Creation of reference centers for needy people who are in situations of vulnerability and social risk. And also expand throughout the state and increase the number of Diversity Reference Centers. The objective is to develop support and training for the inclusion of these people in society. The centers intend to offer psychological care, health and legal advice, professional and educational workshops, language courses, community space and job opportunities.

– Support for the approval of Chamber Bill 122/06, which aims to criminalize crimes motivated solely by hatred of sexual orientation or gender identity.

– Together with PSL, support the Single Tax project, by the party's national president, Luciano Bivar. The justification is that Brazil has the heaviest tax burden among emerging countries, which consumes 40% of Brazilian income. The project aims to simplify the tax system and provide a reduction in the tax burden, avoid tax evasion, contribute to greater company productivity and alleviate the excessive incidence on employees.

Are you an LGBT candidate?
Send your 10 proposals to essay@acapa. In the title, capitalize "LGBT CANDIDATE". Proposals will be published in order of receipt. 

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