
Find out what the ending is written for Sérgio and Ivan in “Babilônia”

In the last chapters of "Babilônia", on TV Globo, many people are wondering what will happen to the Sérgio couple (Claudio Lins) and Ivan (Marcello Melo Jr.), after experiencing so much turmoil.

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And the end, written by Gilberto Braga, Ricardo Linhares and João Ximenes Braga, is happy. The two must remain together and even get married.

During dinner at the Paula brothers' house (Sharon Menezzes) and Ivan, Sérgio decides to give his beloved an ultimatum: "Now it's official: are you coming to live with me?", he will ask Ivan this Wednesday (26).

In the next chapters, Ivan will no longer avoid Sérgio because he has become a paraplegic. The athlete, who said that his beloved should enjoy life, now that he has come out of the closet, will understand the true meaning of love. And make the union official with the lawyer.

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In a good phase, Ivan will even return to sport and participate in competitions aimed at people with physical disabilities. He will become a swimming champion.

So far, there are no kissing scenes announced. 

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