
São Paulo Boteco Week starts without participating GLS bars

After Restaurant Week and Spa Week, Boteco Week arrives in São Paulo. In the month of August, the city celebrates true bar cuisine.

Bars and pubs present their creations, created especially for the event. Customers will be able to choose, among the suggestions, which combination of bar food and drink they will enjoy. The value of each food and drink combination will be R$25.

Although some pubs and bars in the Rua Augusta region, which is popular with LGBT people, joined the event, organizer Tony Marcondes lamented the lack of participating bars that are considered GLS. "It is regrettable that we have not been able, to date, to reach the GLS public, this significant portion of the city's population that is famous for its entertainment," he stated.

The first edition of São Paulo Boteco Week continues until August 26th. News about the event can be followed through Twitter and page on Facebook.

1st São Paulo Boteco Week 
From August 20th to 26th, 2011
Combination price: bar food + drink R$ 25

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