
São Paulo will have a dialogue circle on combating homophobia

The city of São Paulo will promote a dialogue circle around the fight against homophobia on March 13th. The initiative is from the Secretary of Human Rights and Citizenship and the Coordination of Sexual Diversity Affairs.

The project is part of the city's new public administration guideline under Mayor Fernando Haddad, which aims to involve the population in the construction of public policies.

“The Secretariat for Human Rights and Citizenship believes that only an open, broad and transparent debate between the government and civil society can advance the realization of rights and the confrontation of all forms of discrimination”, says the invitation message.

The circle is open to the population, activists and LGBT and Human Rights organizations. The Secretariat is committed "to help build a plural, democratic city that respects and values ​​its diversity."

The idea is that other debates will emerge to reinforce social participation in the development of policies to promote LGBT rights in the city.

The meeting will be held from 18:30 pm at Galeria Prestes Maia, in Vale do Anhangabaú. 

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