
LGBTQ+ Mental Health and the Role of Minority Stress

Mental health is a topic of increasing importance in today's society and deserves targeted attention when it comes to marginalized and minority groups, such as the LGBTQ+ community. Several studies demonstrate that marginalized sexual identities face a higher rate of stress and consequently, higher rates of mental health disorders.

According to the American Institute of Stress, stress is a physical and emotional response to our environment and situations. When we refer to “minority stress,” we are talking about the chronic and constant stress that LGBTQ+ individuals face due to their gender identity or sexual orientation.

Discrimination and prejudice are significant sources of stress for the LGBTQ+ community. This can range from bullying, violence and family rejection to discrimination in the workplace. These experiences can lead to increased stress, which can subsequently cause mental health problems.

The need to hide or deny sexual identity can also be a significant source of stress. Furthermore, internal stigma or homonegativity

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