
Seminar in São Paulo discusses trafficking of transvestites and transsexuals for the first time

Held by the Ministry of Justice, through the National Secretariat of Justice, the "International Seminar – Human Trafficking/Mercosur" takes place from the 22nd to the 24th of June, in the Queiroz Filho auditorium, of the State Public Ministry (MP-SP), with the The objective of training professionals in the justice and public security system who work in the prevention and repression of human trafficking, and in assisting victims.

This year, for the first time, the topic of transvestite and transsexual trafficking will be put on the agenda, "opening the possibility of expanding the discussion and beginning to adopt effective policies to combat this type of crime", said Dimitri Sales.

Human trafficking affects 137 countries around the world and affects around 2,5 million people, generating around US$32 billion per year. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), sexual exploitation is the most frequently detected form of human trafficking (79%), followed by forced labor (18%), which may be a biased statistic.

During the seminar, the National Campaign to Combat Human Trafficking will be launched, which will initially take place in São Paulo and will then be launched in the capital of Pernambuco, Recife. With the campaign, National Secretary of Justice Romeu Tuma Junior hopes to mobilize and raise awareness more effectively among the community and the competent authorities, and also encourage complaints.

International Seminar on Human Trafficking
Date: June 22th to 24th
Location: State Public Ministry (Rua Riachuelo, 115)

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