
Senator Marinor Brito calls for the impeachment of Jair Bolsonaro; read interview

PLC 122 went to the vote today in the Senate's Human Rights Commission (CDH) and, as expected, deputy Jair Bolsonaro (PP-RJ) and parliamentarians linked to the conservative and religious benches organized an act against the project that aims to criminalize homophobia in Brazil.

The conservative lobby, at least at this moment, is taking the lead, since, according to the advisors of Senator Marta Suplicy (PT-SP), some votes in favor of PLC 122 were withdrawn at the last minute. Due to the turmoil, Suplicy thought it prudent and strategic to remove it from the vote and present it again next week, probably on Wednesday, the day on which the II National March against Homophobia takes place.

After the vote, Marta Suplicy gave an interview to a television channel, and Bolsonaro, accompanied by a mob of sexists and homophobes, began to make fun of the senator and verbally attack her. Also senator Marinor Brito (PSOL-PA) was next to Suplicy and asked for respect from the parliamentarian. At that moment, the attackers attacked Brito, who ended up arguing with Bolsonaro, who insulted her with several swear words that she didn't even want to repeat in the exclusive interview that you read below.

During the quick chat, Marinor Brito declared that Jair Bolsonaro is "sexist and hates women". The parliamentarian also said that Bolsonaro does not "deserve" to be a deputy nor "represent the state of Rio and the Brazilian people". Finally, Brito declared that he filed a lawsuit asking for the deputy's impeachment and stated that he "will not remain silent in the face of this."

What does congressman Jair Bolsonaro (PP-RJ) represent?
Oh, my God, if I could tell you everything I think... But let me tell you: first I want to thank you for your solidarity, because I think the press is demonstrating which side it is on at a difficult time like this. Representative Bolsonaro does not deserve to represent the Brazilian people and the people of Rio. He has had many attitudes that testify against the role he performs, many of them homophobic and with characteristics of a misogynistic person, who has an aversion to women, and this is demonstrated in the sequence of attacks on women such as the then federal deputy Maria do Rosário (PT-RS, today Minister of Human Rights), with congresswoman Manuela D'Ávila (PCdoB-RS), singer Preta Gil and now me, and who knows how many others that we are not aware of.

Did you already know Congressman Bolsonaro personally?
I had never seen him in front of me, this was the first time I saw him, although I had already expressed myself repudiating his attitudes since the time of congresswoman Maria do Rosário, when he actually pushed her. I believe that this episode (verbal aggression that occurred today) should be the final straw and the National Congress should take action. That's what I did: I went to the Senate Attorney's Office, spoke to the president of the Senate, José Sarney (PMDB-AP), asking for action. I also reported the fact to prosecutor Demostenes Torres (DEM-GO) and he committed on Monday (16), through the representation I made, to forward a request for the impeachment of deputy Bolsonaro to the Federal Chamber. PSOL must also file a request for impeachment directly with the Federal Chamber.

Deputy Jair Bolsonaro has already physically and verbally attacked the then federal deputy Maria do Rosário and despite all the seriousness involved, he was not revoked. Do you believe he will be impeached?
Well, I think we are living in another political moment here in the National Congress. The Federal Supreme Court (STF) demonstrates that this situation of intolerance must cease. Look, this case happened here in the Senate, here in the corridors, in front of the Human Rights Commission (SDH), of which I am head, where every week I sit to defend the rights of women, indigenous people, black people, children , teenagers, riverside populations, fishermen, workers in general… Let this be a fact to be taken into consideration.

Yes, but in the case of Maria do Rosário, images were even recorded by Rede TV! and even then there was no revocation.
In my opinion, the deputy should have, at the time, filed a criminal case, she didn't, but I will. I believe that the Brazilian justice system will take a stand. Because the words offensive to me, which attacked me as a woman, my femininity, have to be considered by the courts.

I read that there was a fight between you two. What were the words that Bolsonaro said to you?
There wasn't just a fight, it didn't end there with a fight. They were intimidating Senator Marta Suplicy's interview with verbal attacks, they were trying to intimidate the senator and I was close to her. When I turned around to ask them to respect the interview, one of them put the primer in my face and I took it away, then they started to offend and riot, because that's what they were there for. They were leaving the corridor, when they saw Marta giving the interview, they came back with the clear intention of creating a commotion. When I rebelled against them, they took the opportunity to attack me more. Bolsonaro, who was happy with the episode, asked if I was going to knock his pamphlet, I said I would and then we had an argument. He was not satisfied with the discussion, he had returned to my work at CDH and then I was called by the press who informed me of the profanity, aggressive words towards my femininity and, obviously, I will not remain silent.

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Luis Antonio-Gabriela