
Senator Marta Suplicy unarchives PLC 122 that criminalizes homophobia

Marta Suplicy (PT-SP) has barely arrived in the Senate and is already making daily news in major newspapers. First, for being the first woman to hold the position of vice-presidency of the House; later, it was by controlling the speaking time of colleagues – Suplicy even cut her ex-husband Eduardo Suplicy (PT-SP); and now the one that interests the gay community most: Marta obtained the 27 signatures necessary to unarchive PLC 122/2006, which criminalizes homophobia in the national territory.

According to the column "Painel", in the newspaper "Folha de São Paulo", published in this Friday's edition, the senator obtained the necessary signatures to unarchive the project and said that the debate will have to take place "very calmly and without in a hurry and with ample space for contradictions". For the senator, "it's just about protecting a population that lives under threat."

In January, due to a Senate regulation, PLC 122 was archived as it had been in progress for two legislatures. In order for it not to be shelved once and for all, a senator would have to collect 27 signatures. Marta Suplicy has also declared that she is willing to take on the role of rapporteur for the bill.

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Gallery: Porn hurricane Aden Jaric