
Bank Workers Union criticizes STF delay on criminalization of homophobia

It has been more than 30 days since the Federal Supreme Court (STF) suspended, for an indefinite period, the judgment on the criminalization of LGBTphobia and transphobia. Minister Dias Toffoli closed the last session on February 21st, and did not announce when the topic would return to the agenda.

Anderson Pirota, who is director of the Bank Workers Union of São Paulo and coordinator of the LGBT collective, criticized the National Congress for not giving due attention to the matter and also the STF, for having called for responsibility, but did not follow through and did not give the response that society expects.

“There is very little left for discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity to become a crime, and, therefore, we call on the LGBT community to continue to mobilize and press for cases of hate to be classified under law 7.716 as a crime of racism,” he declared. Anderson.

Many entities are in favor of the issue, but the evangelical group is against it, claiming that criminalization violates religious freedom.

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Portugal is one of the countries that most protects the LGBTQI+ community