
Dating site presents the DJ at its parties as being international, but Ranny is very Brazilian

They are selling a pig in a poke at parties across Brazil. As reported by Cena Carioca today, DJ Ranny, who is on tour in Brazil, is being announced as an international attraction, when in fact he is from Espírito Santo, from Vitória. The DJ has already played at Jump Club, in Goiânia, Boite Garagem, Brasília, and plays in São Paulo (Ultralounge today and Sogo tomorrow) and in the wonderful city this Saturday, at Cine Ideal. It's true that he's been living in the US for a few years, but saying that the guy is a foreign attraction... “they pushed the legal envelope”, in the words of André Garça. Another untrue information is that the DJ is known abroad, on the New York-Boston circuit (?). Deceiving the public is not cool.

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