
“Fantástico” website rescues report about English transsexual couple

The TV Globo website, "", has been providing an interesting service to the country's television memory: the "Specials" section brings back various reports and treasures from the broadcaster. One of the most fertile fields is the program "Fantástico", premiered in 1973. And it was from the Sunday program's trunk that the site picked a picturesque article: the story of an English transsexual couple who changed sex shortly after having a daughter.

The report is from 1980. At the time, Emma was three years old and lived with her parents Christopher (formerly Anne) and Katherine (formerly Eugene) in Birmingham, England. The family lived on unemployment benefits, as they faced prejudice from employers, neighbors and society. Faced with the crisis, the couple opted for a simple solution: they started charging for interviews. And that's how the "Fantástico" report managed to record images of the family's daily life.

Reporter Marcos Hummel's narration informs that the sex change occurred through hormones and "small operations". Where is this family currently?

Check out the video HERE.

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