
SP: kiss against prejudice in front of Record this Sunday

The NGO ABCD has scheduled a kiss in front of the headquarters of Rede Record, in São Paulo, for next Sunday 22nd. The demonstration is a protest against the program “Speak that I hear you”, shown by the channel in the early hours of the morning. According to the group, the program promotes discrimination against the GLBT community and demands the right to reply. ABCD asks protesters to meet at 16pm at the Barra Funda subway station (near Record) and take cardboard to make posters. old case In March, the Brazilian Association of Bisexuals, Gays, Lesbians and Transgenders (ABGLT) filed a complaint with the Federal Public Ministry of São Paulo against Edir Macedo's channel. The reason for the action was also the program “Speak and I hear you”. On March 27, the attraction debated bill 122/06, which criminalizes homophobia in the country, and tried to justify the maintenance of prejudice based on the Bible. With the theme “Censorship for the family or justice for gays”, a pastor spoke for about two hours about homosexuals in a prejudiced and sectarian way. Using biblical passages to justify his position against the approval of the law, he stated “I cannot accept this law, thank you, as it aims at aberration and we must be respected”. The Brasília NGO wants the MPF to initiate an administrative procedure to put an end to the abuse committed by Record. “They insult the image of a saint, humiliate homosexual citizens, encourage violence against Umbanda and Candomblé, and the MPF needs to make Record stop lying and comply with the law”, stated Léo Mendes, ABGLT Communications Secretary.

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