
Tabloid publishes photos of Lady Gaga as a teenager

The British tabloid "The Sun" decided to satisfy fans' curiosity. Last weekend, the publication released photos of singer Lady Gaga as a child and teenager. In the first photo, Lady appears at 4 years old next to a piano.

In the other photos, the singer appears at the age of 16, alongside friends at a Christmas celebration and then at the age of 18 at another party. At that time, Gaga says that after going to university, she dropped out of the course and went to work in strip clubs.

"Girls from my background were not destined to turn into someone like me. I come from a rich Italian family, I went to a good school. You are destined to live with your mother and father until they die. I went against everything that was created to be. I moved away, I wouldn't receive any help from my parents and I worked as a waitress and stripper", she told the newspaper.

Last Sunday, Lady Gaga turned 24 years old. In one of the photos, Gaga appears in a yearbook from 2004, very different from what it is today. No makeup, no extravagant costumes and her face completely exposed.


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