
Thammy Miranda opens up about attacks on the internet

Thammy Miranda responds to criticism

After announcing the pregnancy of his wife, Andressa Ferreira, actor Thammy Miranda has been suffering many transphobic attacks on the internet. So to defend his first son, he went public to refute the comments.

An internet user asked a very dull question, and asked in a comment “Who is the father of the child??. Thammy then published a video answering the question, “The father of my child is me, who never abandoned my pregnant wife. My son's father is me, who every time she was feeling sick with nausea was holding her hand when she was vomiting. That I wake up at dawn to get a glass of water for my wife,” he said.

Thammy guaranteed that he will be better than many cis men, who abandon their children and pregnant wives. “My son's father is me, who will never abandon him or demand a DNA test to know if he is my son or not. My son's father is me, who already unconditionally loves this being, regardless of the form he came in. It could not have even come from Andressa’s belly,” he declared.

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