
Thammy Miranda gets a beautiful birthday declaration

Andressa Ferreira, model and wife of Thammy Miranda, made a beautiful statement to her husband on her Instagram this Tuesday (03), in celebration of his birthday. In addition to wishing her all the best, she also talked about the couple's son.


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I tell you what you need to hear to see your growth and I also listen to you… this exchange is priceless! You taught me to be grateful... A courageous, intelligent, good-humored, happy man, who loves others, who is incapable of hurting anyone. His battle is mine, let's fight together. Having you in my life makes everything make more sense, you are my gift! How blessed I am by God for putting you in my path! If God chose us it is because we have something within us that HE wants to use to change the world. No life intersects with another for a greater purpose. May our dreams be guided by Love! ❤️ Happy birthday, love of my life! @thammymiranda Click @momentosublimefotografia

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