
Men's hockey team plays game without clothes to combat homophobia

Imagine several naked hockey players on the field. So imagine that they are like this precisely because they are gay-friendly and want to combat homophobia?

+ Cartoonist presents the prejudiced “nothing against”

Because athletes from the University of Nottinghan, in the United Kingdom, took photos and made a video in which they fight prejudice in sport. For that, they got naked. 

The video, which was recorded six months ago and has only now gone viral, was created after more than 20% of LGBT students reported being persecuted and intimidated during matches.

+ When does homophobia affect heterosexuals?

"It exploded in the world media", declares the club's president, Piers Denning. "The reaction has been extremely positive. We had no idea what it would be like when we filmed the video," he concluded.

Watch below:

What team is this, huh? 

Cartoonist Pedro Leite presents the famous prejudiced people “nothing against”

What I learned from multimedia transvestite Claudia Wonder (1955-2010)