
Tiririca surprises, makes a pro-LGBT speech and tells homophobes to study

No one expected this. After the homophobic statements of Levy Fidelix (PRTB), a candidate for federal deputy decided to use his Twitter to speak out against homophobia: yes, nutsedge (PR-SP).

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"They say I'm stupid, but at least I don't talk nonsense like certain candidates. I'm in favor of love and everyone should live happily", said the comedian.

Without making any kind of joke, Tiririca even made a pro-adoption speech. "It says it's against gays, but know that gays are the ones who adopt the most children from straight people, who abandon their children. Go study!"

"I'm also in favor of the family and everyone should love in their own way. Be it a man and a woman, 2 men, 2 women, a single mother…".

+ Levy Fidelix says gays should stay away from straights

Tiririca declares that he does not understand the reason for homophobia and asked: "Why are homosexuals so bothersome? Make them happy, because when I'm around them they make me happy, always happy."

He concluded that he is sad to know that he is from a country that harbors so much hatred towards gays. "The Mamonas Assassinas said: "Open your mind, gays are people too." Surprising, right?

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