
Trans fired from Amor & Sexo, talks about controversy: “people don’t understand what they read”

With the repercussion of the program Amor & Sexo, which aired last Thursday night, 02nd, addressing the topic of gender identity, transsexual Barbara Aires, former producer of the attraction, spoke out on her Facebook profile, insinuating that she would have been fired from her position because of the ambition of Fernanda Lima, who presents the show, and, she also said, that everything is nothing more than “falsehood and hypocrisy”. Barbara's outburst was one of the most talked about news stories of the day and, between supportive comments and several criticisms, Aires returned to Facebook to explain herself. With a more succinct text, she denies that she has positioned herself as a victim, and stated that people cannot understand what they read: “we need to learn to interpret texts”. “This whole episode served to show me that we really need to fight to change education in our country. People don't even know how to read. They don't understand what they read. We need to learn to interpret texts,” she said. To conclude, Barbara, who is participating in a “beautiful project” at Fantástico that premieres on the 12th, thanked Globo for the opportunity to be part of the Amor & Sexo team, and said that she knows how to deal with dismissal, but that, at the same time, In his view, his removal from production was because of his gender identity. “Finally, yes, dismissal is part of it, not renewing contracts. I've had others, and I never complained, as they were punctuated, discussed. What I pointed out is that this dismissal, or non-renewal, cannot be based on gender or orientation. Which seemed to be the case in this case, as they didn’t tell me anything and ran away when I questioned it.” Check it out in full below:

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