
Transvestite is beaten and thrown from an overpass in Ceará

We are tired of reporting serious cases of cowardice and attacks on the dignity of others motivated by their sexual orientation. Every day is a new case and, so far, the speed of Brazilian justice to classify LGBTphobia as a hate crime has been moving at a snail's pace. Last Monday, the 20th, a hate and transphobia crime was recorded in Fortaleza, Ceará. The victim, transvestite Hérika Izidoro, was attacked by at least ten men who, after beating her, threw her off an overpass. The crime happened when Hérika was working. The complaint was made by the Barra Pesada program, on TV Jangadeiro, affiliated with SBT in the state. The transvestite was found with a fractured arm and head trauma, rescued, and taken to the Instituto Doutor José Frota (IFJ), where she is hospitalized in a serious condition. On TV Jangadeiro, the president of the Association of Transvestites of Ceará made an appeal to the authorities, asking for inclusion in the formal job market. “We don’t want any rights. We just want to be included in the job market”, says the president.

A week of optimism in the fight against HIV

Tifanny Abreu is the first Brazilian transsexual to play in a professional volleyball league