
Transvestites suffer a wave of assaults and complain about negligence on the part of the military and civil police

Transvestites who work as call girls have been targeted by robbers in Praça São João, in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. And, worst of all, they complain that they are unable to file a police report due to police negligence.

"This month alone I went there three times with transvestites to record robberies and I wasn't even attended to", declared the president of "Transdiversidade Niterói" Larissa Rocha to the newspaper Extra.

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According to her, four bandits are attacking and threatening the group with guns. When they try to call the police, they don't even listen to them. "We have no defense. The police cars don't stop to help us and the Civil Police don't register our complaints"; she defended.

The vice-president of the Niterói Diversity Group, Felipe Carvalho claimed that the situation could become chaotic. "Our fear is that they will come together to do justice, arm themselves with knives, and fight with their own hands. We see this in some places, but never in Niterói. We cannot let it become a war zone."

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The 12th PM claims that the battalion is unaware of the attacks and robberies suffered by transvestites, but that it is carrying out a joint operation with the city hall and the 76th DP to curb marginalization. Regarding the allegations of neglect, the delegate Glaucio Paz claimed that one of the victims was at the police station, but did not want to register the case.

"She asked a police officer from the police station to accompany her to arrest the assailant, but when the officer informed her that he would request the Military Police, the victim refused to wait," he alleged. 

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