
Twitterers promote kiss for human rights

On February 7th, on Avenida Paulista, corner of Rua Augusta, Twitterers will promote a kiss to defend the measures included in the 3rd National Human Rights Plan, presented by the Federal Government's National Secretariat for Human Rights.

The public event aims to bring together women and men, homosexuals, straights and bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, to protest in favor of the so-called PNDH3, which provides, among other rights, civil union between people of the same sex, the criminalization of homophobia, the legalization abortion and same-sex adoption. The National Confederation of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB), linked to the Catholic Church, spoke out against these proposals last week.

In a note sent to the press, the organizers of the kiss say they want to “express their commitment and support for the implementation of these public policies and also express their rejection of the empty and fanatical attack of which the plan is being victimized”.

“The idea is to show, with great joy, that people are different from each other, they are born, they live, they kiss, they love, they have relationships with whoever they want, and regardless of one or another group that turns up their nose, their life will continue to happen in the anonymity of their homes”, say the organizers.

The PNDH3 also provides for compliance with the Constitution regarding the secular character of the Brazilian State and calls for the removal of religious icons from public institutions.

Public event “Kiss for Human Rights”
When: February 7th, at 17pm
Where: Corner of Avenida Paulista and Rua Augusta

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