
A Gay Couple Was Brutally Beaten and Stabbed While Neighbors Watched

A gay couple was brutally beaten and stabbed on the porch of their home as neighbors watched.

Charles Clements caught his boyfriend, Vincent, at work on Thursday. Vincent's last name was not given.

One of Vincent's co-workers and another person followed them to their Las Vegas apartment. They were attacked by the two men when they arrived home.

“I was about to unlock the door when I hear my boyfriend calling my name,” Clements told FOX5. “I come back, I see my boyfriend fighting with the guy.”

A glass table was knocked over in the fight, and Clements said one of the attackers picked up a piece of glass and stabbed Vincent in the back.

“He took the cup,” Clements said. “I was like, 'Don't do that.' And he started stabbing my boyfriend in the back. The guy was kicking him in the ribs.

Clements was left with cuts and a head injury, and Vincent had two broken ribs and a punctured lung. Both had to go to the hospital for treatment.

Clements said neighbors didn't even call the police.

“Neighbors, everyone just watching,” he said. “No one called the police.”

Clements said he recognized one of the attackers as Vincent's employee and said he made a point of attacking his sexual orientation.

“It was all because of homophobia,” he said. “The guy came to my boyfriend’s work, calling him an abomination, calling him a faggot.”

Police are still searching for the attackers and Clements said they are looking for a new home.

“I don't want to stay in this apartment anymore because I'm afraid they'll come back,” he said.

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